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Dr. Titilola S. Akingbola

Head of Department



At the inception of the Medical School in 1948, Haematology was taught as a part of Pathology. Later in the early 60s, a Sub-Department of Haematology was created under Pathology. The head of the Sub-department was Professor L. Luzzatto. Other members of the team in the Haematology Sub-Department were Professors G.J. F. Esan, E.M. Essein, Allan Flemming, and Dr. C.K.O Williams. The Sub-Department also had occasional research fellows such as Dr. U. Bienzle.

The Sub-Department became a fully-fledged department in 1970 under the headship of Professor L. Luzzatto. Following its evolution into a fully-fledged department, Haematology became a discipline that was being taught in the Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences. Also, Postgraduate Degree Programmes such as M.Sc. Degree Programme, M.D. Degree Programme and Ph.D. Degree Programme, were included to the list of academic programmes that were being taught by the department. The courses that have been taught over the years include Genetics, Haematological Malignancies, Blood Transfusion, Haemoglobinopathies, HIV and AIDS, Haemostagis, Haemolytic Anaemias, Nutritional Anaemia and other Anaemias. The department also organizes practical classes for medical students and students of dentistry and as well supervises resident doctors undergoing training within the hospital.

The department organizes weekly seminars which enjoys the participation of every member of the department. The department has also been very active in research activities which cover all the branches of Haematology. To this end, several papers have been published in reputable Journals by academic members of the department. The department has functional laboratories some of which are for research, while some are individual laboratories attached to the lecturers and research fellows in the department. It also has a library with recent publications in respective branches of Haematology.

The head of the department usually coordinates both the undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes. During the conduct of examinations, Lecturers submit varied questions which cover sub-disciplines in Haematology. Thereafter, the head of the department compiles the questions as may be required. Examinations are usually organized by the Head of the department while the evaluation of the answer scripts are done jointly by academic staff of the department. Also, reputable external examiners are invited to verify the set examinations in the written, practical and oral formats.

Academic Atmosphere – The department maintains any policy adapted and practiced by the College of Medicine/the Faculty in pursuit of academic standards and a sound academic atmosphere. The department also encourages its members of academic staff to take up programmes for further development.  Academic standards are maintained by lecturers who are also authorities in their respective area(s) of sub-discipline. These lecturers set continuous assessment tests during the period of postings. The external examiners also make recommendations at the end of every examination and this helps in maintaining academic standards.

S/NNamePeriod of Headship
1.       Prof. L. Luzzatto1970-1974
2.       Prof. G.J.F. Esan1974-1978
3.       Prof. E.M Essien1978-1981
4.       Prof. Wuraola A. Shokunbi1992-1994 (Ag. Head); 1996-1998 (Ag. Head)


2002-2004; 2008-2012

5.       Prof. Yetunde A. Aken’Ova1994-1996 (Ag. Head); 1998-1999 (Ag. Head)


1999-2002; 2005-2008; 2014-2017

6.       Dr. Taiwo R. Kotila2012-2014
7.       Dr. Olaniyi2017-till date
  • Since inception, the department has contributed nearly 1,000 publications in peer review journals emanating from research conducted within and outside the department particularly on sickle cell disease, coagulation disorders, cancer of the blood & related organs (haemato-oncology), transfusion medicine, etc. Luzzatto pioneered the work on PNH while he was in Ibadan.  Professor Esan pioneered the work on aplastic anaemia, and Prof. Essien’s work on Haemophelia in Nigeria remains outstanding.  The remarkable works of Prof. C.K.O. Williams on Lymphoma is well cited all over the world.
  • An active Tumour Board of the Haemato-Oncology group is arduously seeking ways to improve the outcome of blood cancers.
  • The Residency training program has produced over 40 Haematologists that are now practicing within and outside Nigeria.
  • In Transfusion Medicine, the department was the first to conduct HIV screening in Nigeria in 1987. The department has also organized several training workshops, to ensure transfusion safety for the Nation.
  • The department recently acquired an Apheresis Machine towards the preparation of Exchange Blood Transfusion (EBT) for adult SCD patients.
  • The department has managed the largest number of patients with Sickle Cell Disease worldwide. The unique opportunity to manage these patients has enabled UCH, Ibadan to further enlarge her coast of recognition as primus inter-pares in health care delivery in the West-African sub-region.
  • The first female Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee and Director of Clinical Services, Research & Training (Professor Wuraola A. Shokunbi) is a Consultant staff in the Department of Haematology.